Okay, so it has definitely been awhile since my last post. After the painting in the kitchen I got really distracted and am just now getting back on track. Haha. There has been lots of moving furniture around. Collison and I created a new office in our third bedroom because the other room was too small. I needed some more space for art and we needed more space for our computers and stuff in general. Now that we have this room coming together though I feel much more focused on my blog, photography and creating. :) My goal is to be posting pretty consistently. I fell off the horse for awhile but having an organized work space should help a lot now. I worked on the floor before so this is a huge step up for me. Haha.
The picture is another doodle of mine. I drew her because I wish I had hair like that! Could you imagine? lol
I realized that I don't care much for posting without a picture to include. Probably because I have a soft spot in my heart for illustrated books and such. I'm not saying books without pictures are bad. But still, I can always appreciate someone wanting to include a visual
I'll post again soon guys. Promise! Oh, and thanks for reading as always :)
i agree.. so i'm assistant teaching right now.. so i read a lotta kids books and i have to say that i am in love with childrens books and all the pretty pictures in them. i love when i find a book with really amazing illustrations! lol is that weird.. i just want to revert back to childhood sometimes too..