Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Against Me Thrash Unreal and treasures from a thrift store shopping quest

So, yesterday Jess, Nick and I drove around Davenport checking out thrift stores, antiques and resale shops. It was beautiful outside so we got to ride with the top down in my VW convertible Beetle. *sigh* I love spring :} We all found some good stuff. Jess and I found some pretty dresses while Nick discovered an old Ghostbusters toy at an antique shop for only 1 dollar! Nick is a Ghostbusters fan and has started collecting old toys and merchandise from the movie. Perhaps one day he will let me photograph some of it because when you see some of those items it is complete nostalgia. Some of my finds from yesterday are posted below.

I found this beautiful vintage gown for only 5 bucks! It has a couple of holes here and there but it is definitely still wearable.

Here is a close up of the gown...

I also found an old rosary and a baggie of beads for a buck a piece. You can't see in the picture but the rosary is broken in some spots. I thought the pendant with the church on it was interesting too. I'm going to deconstruct it and give the pieces some new life.

The other highlight of yesterday was I found out Collison isn't working later tonite so we would be able to go to the Against Me! concert down at Rock Island Brewing company. Jess and I were talking about it earlier so I ran out to Coop Records with her last nite to buy 2 more tix for Matt and I. The concert starts tonite at 7. One of their songs is pretty big right now and most of you will probably recognize it if you have not heard the band name before. I posted a video of it below along with the concert poster. Good stuff :)

That's all for now. I'll try to get another entry up with something I made pretty soon here but for now I was more excited about my vintage dress :P Thanks for reading as always :D


  1. Oh, Against Me! should be awesome in concert!! Yah for you. =) Thanks for reminding me of Pandora. I used to stream it at work until everyone else was and it was eating up our bandwidth. No more streaming allowed. My hubby streams AOL radio at his work. He really likes it. Says they have some really good indie and rock stations.

    Have fun tonight!!

  2. hi!

    you've left a few lovely comments on my blog, so i just wanted to pop by and say hello. i always love a good day of thrifting and it looks like you found some great stuff :).

    hope you have a lovely day!


